Rendering is really taking its tole on Studio 3 down at Falmouth University. We, The Lighter Dark Film Team, use every computer, almost every night this semester to render. Testing: rendering settings, lighting formats, adjusting the pipeline timing, and generally for animatic purposes. Its strenuous as we only have from 10pm to 9 am to render, usually the computers will crash or any one of the many different layers/layer types will fail, and we will have to start again, but through this process, I have gained the role of Rendering Assistant to Adam White, whom is both Master of All Things Tech, and Rendering Machine. I'm really glad we spent time over the beginning of this semester sorting it out, meaning we have the rendering timing and settings down and I can calculate exactly how many frames a computer for a 10-9 rendering period every night.
As the 'Producer' on this film, I think, thankfully, we might actually be able to finish the film on time thanks to this.