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so the drawings get better as i go, but i think i still prefer drawing cloth and hair over tiddies and ribcages #lifedarwing #sketch...

Throwback to A-Level Art and my obsession with skating
4 years today, my obsession still stands, but unlike these static images, my skateboard art now moves thanks to Uni, tv paint, and...

Practice Makes Perfect
#lifedrawing #profile #people #art #lineart #sketch #fringe #mermaidhair #pose #messybun #practice #practicemakesperfect #portfolio

Lighter Dark Concept Art
#LighterDark #ConceptArt #portfolio #cave #photshop #art #drawing #character

British Birds
While I may have quit the Art Director role on Pocket Pals, doesnt mean I dont miss drawing animals. I worked on so many animals over the...

Eye Spy
#watercolour #eye #iris #sketch #sketchbook #portfolio #art #fineart
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